Get to Know the Leadership Team
Meet the team who has leadership responsibility and
sets the vision of Church of the Apostles.

J.P. Morris
Lead Pastor / Elder
J.P. has served as the Lead Pastor at COTA since 2010. He graduated from Texas A&M in 1999, and from Columbia Biblical Seminary within 2006. J.P. is married to Joanna, who is a practicing Pediatrician in Cumming. They have three boys Asher, Jed, and Quinn. J.P. is passionate about studying, preaching, and teaching God’s word, seeking to live and proclaim the glorious truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and considers it a great honor to love and serve COTA as a pastor.
Jon Eric Woodward
Associate Pastor of Community & Groups
Jon Eric has served in worship and pastoral care ministry for 35 years. He graduated from LSU with an Instrumental Music Education degree as well as from Dallas Theological Seminary with a MA in biblical studies and a masters degree from the Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies. Jon Eric is married to Cindy, and they have 4 adult children. Jon Eric is passionate about making disciples who make disciples and seeing them grow as deeply grounded followers of Christ who make an impact locally and globally.

Josh Bouk serves as a lay elder at COTA. Josh and Cherilyn, his wife of 28 years, and their three children moved from western New York to the Cumming/Dawsonville area in 2011 and began worshiping at COTA in 2017. Josh began following Jesus as a youth, but is grateful to the Holy Spirit for “lighting a fire” in him in his early forties. Josh is passionate about combining vocation and ministry – bringing Jesus into the workplace. He also loves serving the little ones in the nursery. Josh’s biggest influences outside of scripture are Matthew Henry, Tim Keller and Alistair Begg.
Born and raised in Cumming, Georgia, Adam’s roots run deep here and his passion to lead and care for the north Georgia community has grown over the years. He currently carries out his passion in three ways: through loving his beautiful wife Alexis and their two sons, Abraham and August, through shepherding the flock at COTA while serving as an elder, and through leading as a project manager and heading up culture development for a local construction company.
Adam prays God’s glory is made known and worshiped for generations to come in this beautiful community of Dawsonville and surrounding areas.

Mike Mckague has been married to his wife, Sherri, for 44 years. Mike and Sherri raised 3 sons and 1 daughter and now have 7 grandchildren. Mike has been in the construction business for over 45 years and has been involved at COTA for over 10 years. Mike believes he is the chief of sinners saved by a mighty Savior. Mike strives “…to be filled with the knowledge of his will… so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord… bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God” (Col.1:9-14).
Dan relocated from the Chicago area in 2003 with his wife, Cindy, and two daughters. He and his wife now reside in the north Forsyth area. Dan has been active in various ministries since accepting Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior in his early 30s. Feel free to ask him about it!

Youth Pastor
Since 2003, Andy has served in different pastoral roles at various churches. He earned his Master of Divinity from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2005. Currently, he is the Youth Pastor at COTA. He has been leading our Youth Ministry since 2020.
We Don't Do This Alone
Our deacons and ministry team leaders are instrumental in carrying out the mission and values of our church.

Ben Barrett
Discipleship Coordinator

Molly Owens
Children’s Director & Director of Operations

Katherine Bruce
Children’s Coordinator