Find Your Community
Learn how you can get involved in the life of the Church of the Apostles community
Build community by joining a missional community group
Missional Community Groups are comprised of 3-8 families that seek to honor Jesus together by helping each other grow in love for God and seek to show what Jesus is like to those who don’t yet know him. These small groups of believers are vital for our growth as followers of Jesus. We believe this model is the primary way Jesus made disciples. These groups meet regularly to share their lives together in conversation, prayer, meals, and service to one another and our community.

Bring the whole family
For your teens
COTA Students is a ministry to middle school and high school students. Twice a month students attend their own class during the worship gathering where they spend time in fellowship with one another and time in God’s Word with an age appropriate lesson that mirrors our current sermon schedule. This time is supplemented by regular gatherings during the month to grow in caring for one another and serving the community. Throughout the year COTA Students takes different retreats and trips to help facilitate their growth as followers of Jesus.