About Us

Our mission and our values demonstrate who we are and flow from what we believe.

Our Mission

We are followers of Jesus who are seeking to grow in loving and trusting Him in every area of our lives while helping others to do the same.


Jesus is fundamentally changing who we are by changing who we trust.  Over time we transfer our trust from our performance to Jesus and His finished work through His perfect life, atoning death, and resurrection. We now seek to live out of this truth in every area of our lives.

As followers of Jesus we are called to go and share the good news of what Christ has done with the world. We seek to do so by loving and serving the community around us while proclaiming how Jesus meets our deepest needs.



Witness to the World

God’s desire is that people from every tribe, tongue, and nation would worship and enjoy Him. Christ calls us to be His witnesses to the world. Therefore, we love our neighbors in word and deed so that many will know Christ and receive the same freedom, forgiveness, and life that we have through Him.

Here's What We Value as a Church

The core values of any organization reflects who it is and what it believes.


We value the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and seek to apply it to all areas of our lives, our corporate gatherings, in loving our community, and our individual relationships.


We value the authority of Scripture, looking to the Bible as the inspired, inerrant Word of God to direct us in all pertinent matters of belief and behavior.

Bible Exposition

We value Bible exposition, regarding accurate and relevant teaching and preaching of the scriptures as essential to the spiritual vitality of our church.


We value discipleship, convinced that each person in our church is called to follow Christ wholeheartedly and to help others do the same.


We value community, believing that true spiritual growth happens best in the context of transparent, authentic relationships.


We value evangelism, persuaded that people who do not know Jesus Christ as Savior are separated from God and in danger of eternal condemnation.


We enjoy a rich relationship with churches in the Dawsonville area and the broader United States. Our partnerships help us to care for our members and advance the gospel.